Tuesday, March 27, 2007

"Flaming Hills" by McKenzie, age 9

McKenzie from Prestonsburg, Kentucky sent me these song lyrics. I love the rhythms and the imagery of the flames. It's a beautiful song, McKenzie...great work! -Josephine

Flaming Hills

When you see hills so beautiful
Red flames so beautiful and lights any day
And anywhere

Cause when the flames go high it
Shows the one that loves me and
Shows the one who made this beautiful
Red flames on the hills let it be
The one I love the most and
Let him love me

And when you see him I hope
He loves me like I do and if
He loves me like I do I'll
Sing with all my love
Please let him be the one
I love

If you'd like to leave a comment for McKenzie and let her know what you think of her song, please click on the comment link below.


Anna Vodicka said...

Wow--that's a seriously impressive song! The lyrics are so vivid, I can almost hear the melody behind them. Keep writing, McKenzie!

B said...

Beautiful lyrics McKenzie! I hope you keep writing and submitting songs.

Anonymous said...

Hi McKenzie,

Your poem was heartfelt, and it is hard to believe you are 9 yrs. old. I encourage you to keep writing. Imagine with a gift like that what you can do!!! You even encouraged this gramma to start drawing again!!! Thanks!
