Thursday, October 16, 2008

When I Hear Love Calling: Lauren, age 7

I received this song from Lauren in Louisville, KY, and the rhymes made me smile immediately. There are some great slant rhymes (words that sound the same but don't exactly rhyme) in this song: "twister" and "whisper," "Disney" and "fizzy." Fantastic! And the theme is universal--trying to get to know more about someone you have a connection with. Congratulations, wrote a hit song!

Post a comment for Lauren and let her know how much you like her song.

When I Hear Love Calling
by Lauren, age 7

When I hear are love calling I know its coming through, but the one thing I dont know is about you....

Are your eyes blue, is your hair brown, what's your favorite corlor, whats your favorite sound?

Is your music rock, pop.. or hiphop? Is your game sorry or twister. Do you talk loud or wisper?

Is your favorite show hannah montana or suite life, do you have a rude life or a polite life?

Is your favorite food cherries or grapes, do you have a window and drapes?

Do you like Nickeloden or Disney... do you like your drinks flat or fizzy?


B said...

I really like the rhythm of "rock, pop.. or hip-hop. I also like "Is your favorite food cherries or grapes, do you have a window and drapes." It kind of reminds me of De La Soul. Keep writing.

Brian, age 29

K. M. Johnson said...

Hi Lauren,

My favorite part is this, "Is your game sorry or twister. Do you talk loud or wisper?"
That's a great rhyme. And I really like sorry and twister, but twister more.
Thanks for the great song.

Anonymous said...

what a cool song, lauren! you're so creative with your rhymes and you ask really fun questions!! personally, i like my drinks fizzy not flat! :) way to go!!

Anonymous said...

H Lauren, you are a very smart girl for 7 yrs old. Great song, and even more important, you know a lot about real love, that you are giving such attention to someone else. I am really impressed by a 7 yr. old songwriter, Lauren!


Anna Vodicka said...

Awesome song, Lauren! It's got such a good beat--I can really feel the rhythm in your rhymes. And all of those words are just fun to say all together! I have to say, I like twister best, too :)

Unknown said...

Great song! I like how you mention having a favorite sound, which segues nicely to the next stanza about music. After all, music is a bunch of sounds! Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

This song is great... even though you are a seven year old you are awesome... keep up the creativity in you!

Anonymous said...

Awesome song Lauren!!!!!!!